Console applications

LDA++ provides a set of command-line executables for a set of corresponding LDA variants in order to allow fast and easy experimentation, without the overhead of writing C++ code. Below is the thorough list of console applications implemented in LDA++:

At this point, it is important to note that the parsing of all command line arguments, in all console applications, is done using Docopt. Therefore, before building them, make sure that Docopt is already installed in your system.

Basic commands

All implemented console applications have two basic commands train and transform. Both commands have similar formats that are presented below.

# Train command.
# The app_name can be either lda, slda or fslda according to the type of the
# LDA variant. The DATA refers to the path of the input data according to which
# we will train a model. The MODEL refers to the path where the trained model
# will be saved.
$ app_name train DATA MODEL

# Transform command.
# The app_name can be either lda, slda or fslda, according to the type of LDA
# variant. The MODEL refers to the path of the already trained model. The DATA
# refers to the path of the input data that will be transformed The OUTPUT
# refers to the path, where the transformed DATA will be saved.
$ app_name transform MODEL DATA OUTPUT

In case of the train command, the user has to specify two paths. The first one corresponds to the input data, while the second one refers to the path where the trained model will be saved. For example, if we want to train a vanilla LDA according to a set of data stored in /tmp/input_data and save the trained model to /tmp/lda_model, we should simple execute the following bash command.

$ lda train /tmp/input_data /tmp/lda_model
E-M Iteration 1

On the other hand, in the case of the transform command, the user has to specify three paths. The first one corresponds to the trained LDA model, according to which we will transform the input data, the second one refers to the path where the input data are stored, while the last one refers to the path where the transformed data will be saved. If we continue the previous example, we can now transform our data and save the transformed results in /tmp/transformed_data, by simply executing the following bash command.

$ lda transform /tmp/lda_model /tmp/input_data /tmp/transformed_data
E-M Iteration 1

Optional arguments

Apart from the MODEL and the DATA paths the user can provide additional command-line arguments, which are common for every console application.

LDA++ implements a variational Expectation-Maximization (EM) procedure for the parameter estimation. To be more precise, we perform variational inference for learning the variational parameters in E-step and parameter estimation in M-step. The number of Expectation-Maximization steps that should be executed in order to train a model can be specified, by setting the iterations argument. In addition, the user can specify the number of threads to be used in the Expectation step, by setting the value of the workers argument. The snapshot_every parameter is used to specify the number of EM steps, after which a model will be saved in the defined path. For example, if we set the snapshot_every argument to 5 and the iterations argument to 20, we will end up with 4 trained model, the first one will refer to the 5th iteration, the second one to the 10th, the third one to the 15th and the last one to 20th iteration. Moreover, the user can change the number of topics, by setting the topics optional argument and the seed value, used for the generation of random numbers, by setting the random_state argument.

Finally, the last argument in all provided console applications is continue. This argument is used to define the path of an already trained model from which we want to continue training. Let us assume that we have already trained a model for some iterations but the inferred topics are not good enough, so we want to continue training for more iterations. To do that, we merely have to set the continue argument to the path of the model to be further trained.

The following list summarizes all the optional arguments that can be specified during the training process of each and every LDA variant implemented in LDA++.

I/O format

All implemented console applications expect and save data in numpy format. In the case of lda, which is the unsupervised variant of LDA, the input data contain one array, let it be $X$, that holds the word counts of every document in the corpus. On the contrary, in the case of slda and fslda, which are supervised variants of LDA, the input data contain one additional array, let it be $y$, that holds the corresponding class labels of each document. Consequently, $X$ is an array of size (vocabulary_size, number_of_documents) and $y$ is an array of size (number_of_documents,). Both arrays should be of type int32, because all console applications expect this specific type.

In the following python session we create an artificial dataset of 100 documents with a vocabulary of 1000 words. We assume that each document belongs to one of the 6 classes. At the end of the example we save both $X$ and $y$ to a binary file in numpy format.

In [1]: import numpy as np

# Create 100 random documents with a vocabulary of 1000 words. The cast to
# int32 at the end is mandatory because all console applications expect that
# type of array
In [2]: X = np.round(np.maximum(0, np.random.rand(1000, 100)*20)).astype(np.int32)

# Create the class labels for all documents in the corpus. We multiply with 5,
# because we assume that there are 6 classes
In [3]: y = np.round(np.random.rand(100)*5).astype(np.int32)

# Save the data in a file that can be then passed to all console applications
In [4]: with open ("/tmp/data.npy", "wb") as data:
   ...:, X)
   ...:, y)

As soon as, we have saved our data in numpy format we can use them with all implemented console applications. In the following bash command, we use the newly created data and train a Fast Supervised LDA model with 10 topics. The created model will be saved in numpy format.

$ fslda train /tmp/data.npy /tmp/fslda_model.npy --topics 10
E-M Iteration 1
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -179.176
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -179.146
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -179.119
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -179.094
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -179.072
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -179.052
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -179.035
E-M Iteration 2
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -164.228
log p(y | \bar{z}, eta): -56.7449

At this point, we load the trained lda model into a python session to inspect the model parameters, namely $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\eta$.

In [1]: import numpy as np

# The trained model is saved in numpy format
In [2]: with open("/tmp/fslda_model.npy") as model:
   ...:     alpha = np.load(model)
   ...:     beta = np.load(model)
   ...:     eta = np.load(model)

# Print the contents of alpha. We have trained our model with 10 topics and
# subsequently the shape of alpha is (10, 1)
In [3]: alpha
array([[ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1]])

# Print the contents of beta. The shape of beta is (10, 1000), as it refers to
# the per topic word distributions
In [4]: beta
array([[ 0.00086267,  0.00094678,  0.00102146, ...,  0.00096579,
         0.00114778,  0.00068308],
       [ 0.00093683,  0.00057377,  0.00091816, ...,  0.00084292,
         0.0019941 ,  0.00158896],
       [ 0.00061499,  0.00052463,  0.0014251 , ...,  0.00058796,
         0.00103788,  0.00199141],
       [ 0.00127186,  0.00103715,  0.0012203 , ...,  0.00093232,
         0.0010174 ,  0.00059228],
       [ 0.00068713,  0.00077923,  0.0011483 , ...,  0.00078904,
         0.00100819,  0.00151192],
       [ 0.00110573,  0.00129864,  0.00132421, ...,  0.00071085,
         0.00068612,  0.00109131]])

# Print the contents of eta. The shape of eta is (10, 6)
In [5]: eta
array([[ -1.36514771e+00,  -1.36315903e+00,   6.86343073e+00,
         -1.36160849e+00,  -1.40997983e+00,  -1.36353567e+00],
       [ -3.86338240e-02,  -4.22127522e-02,  -1.59781985e-02,
         -4.32016108e-02,   2.18725518e-01,  -7.86991329e-02],
       [ -1.43063101e-01,  -1.29929507e-01,  -1.56495059e-01,
         -1.41158423e-01,   7.40731106e-01,  -1.70085016e-01],
       [ -1.37109145e+00,   6.89966969e+00,  -1.37034253e+00,
         -1.36977176e+00,  -1.41835979e+00,  -1.37010416e+00],
       [  1.34353856e-02,   2.21828346e-02,  -3.55681181e-02,
         -1.37398303e-03,   5.41772921e-02,  -5.28534111e-02],
       [  6.89574101e+00,  -1.36937035e+00,  -1.36901212e+00,
         -1.36863390e+00,  -1.41848080e+00,  -1.37024383e+00],
       [ -1.35957482e+00,  -1.35852610e+00,  -1.35898905e+00,
         -1.35614477e+00,  -1.40582804e+00,   6.83906279e+00],
       [ -1.36908306e+00,  -1.36697518e+00,  -1.36868835e+00,
          6.89124942e+00,  -1.41688873e+00,  -1.36961410e+00],
       [ -1.39205753e+00,  -1.39198917e+00,  -1.39207285e+00,
         -1.39018710e+00,   6.95507809e+00,  -1.38877145e+00],
       [  3.02661927e-02,  -1.10847543e-02,  -4.02073659e-02,
         -1.21513799e-02,   4.85163748e-02,  -1.53390674e-02]])

Now, we use the trained model to transform our data with the following bash command.

$ fslda transform /tmp/fslda_model.npy /tmp/data.npy /tmp/transformed_data.npy
E-M Iteration 1

If we load the transformed data into a python session, we can inspect the transformed data.

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: with open("/tmp/transformed_data.npy", "rb") as f:
   ...:     Z = np.load(f)

# Print the contents of Z, which is the per topic document distribution. We
# could say that Z[0] is the number of words that were produced from topic 0.
# The size of Z is (10, 100)
In [3]: Z
array([[ 1019.9107783 ,   859.3746101 ,  1427.69863967,  1088.73008294,
         1071.07543482,   931.59113907,   960.15907305,   957.75190977,
          965.91898608,   836.01357053,   922.43651427,  1382.846077  ,
         1499.20517748,   985.486335  ,   855.54095167,   923.05499726,
         1082.24408841,  1570.02741798,   868.04180258,   909.57401057,
          985.84969404,   965.83696595,   922.3555769 ,  1031.53327711,
          872.40110706,  1012.21692746,  1001.2492608 ,   975.12520763,
         1064.25326642,  1088.55563596,   852.16611375,   945.48605892,
          932.40444614,   887.04821804,   857.11401409,   920.91309446,
          909.32228312,   981.6026501 ,  1013.32953975,  1038.88487482,
         1413.93500051,   925.30685048,  1055.40425636,   927.10705897,
         1011.45482269,   844.79497123,   942.21571161,   935.89654987,
          943.62254523,   914.57544146,   912.46043094,   896.38166963,
         1448.73039247,  1009.70394328,  1525.21304882,   909.14173508,
         1062.95047749,   934.87948091,   951.19660927,   942.72889388,
          879.37797766,  1417.91414612,  1132.91543207,   878.91869879,
         1009.12487562,   949.10501698,  1393.57410989,   902.35129597,
          905.41060513,   903.64511028,   913.05203735,   976.49796291,
          909.17071429,   937.19231767,  1014.7799845 ,   935.8190576 ,
          839.70289601,   917.40720139,   893.60382168,   976.66085359,
         1008.81373381,   943.51792376,   979.14676223,  1349.04931106,
         1497.64595248,   910.68349036,  1002.55971879,  1343.15446418,
          932.3673627 ,   907.67798956,   947.60219197,  1009.50945217,
         1541.55112037,  1063.06633006,   770.33119431,  1002.83059115,
         842.20809669,   827.84779943,   929.93643816,   936.53056171],
       [  902.27101254,   984.28387808,  1007.78414228,  1100.91715608,
          949.3457713 ,  1017.66400711,  1054.94456398,   948.59827311,
          962.48949314,  1152.11542039,  1067.85499488,   845.31201371,
          870.28596559,   841.30403717,  1012.17751733,   770.95283444,
          887.37539866,   808.36110518,   911.25710004,   982.74918076,
         1067.33584398,   827.27832198,  1258.46460689,  1053.07873508,
          942.12301473,  1012.54885641,   937.90863862,   857.55367228,
          928.18083491,   922.68155761,   912.44795628,   856.66729263,
         1121.06348606,   923.82482903,  1043.97398546,  1253.07989607,
         1009.62109852,  1058.3169289 ,  1063.13110928,   860.01654337,
          934.12084623,   792.02495381,   936.27498759,  1514.8669249 ,
         1046.74444506,   985.71877773,  1098.6587326 ,   921.00987809,
         1019.04304075,   843.62692052,   911.85102535,   829.22548004,
          940.56079349,  1242.39111332,  1006.41522999,  1012.84659058,
          932.97561594,   945.0677803 ,   916.24276567,  1178.88230077,
         1023.66414521,   915.45476272,   898.63585347,   813.64985559,
          975.51344143,  1296.96414965,  1030.2561018 ,   894.91694467,
          904.08443257,   821.61868474,  1140.823663  ,  1245.67698937,
          931.83417298,   928.39920503,  1052.85132391,   938.1737776 ,
         1058.24803129,  1009.62787825,   953.73255392,   968.49120585,
         1221.96227303,  1148.22065894,   979.75188157,   984.58752694,
         1147.54343614,   995.13025838,   925.14761445,   842.16401113,
          944.04983208,  1349.38277865,   860.47146176,  1079.81075318,
          799.40590558,  1098.63316048,  1039.41374872,  1003.07705429,
         1121.47772463,   773.91529544,  1152.11024316,  1168.75355131]])

lda application

lda is the command-line program that implements the vanilla LDA (unsupervised LDA), as it was introduced in Latent Dirichlet Allocation, by Blei et al. This program allows the training of an unsupervised LDA model and the application of that model to a set of data in order to transform them.

Apart from the optional arguments, which we have already discussed, the user can specify additional arguments. The extensive help menu of lda is presented below.

$ lda --help
Console application for unsupervised LDA.

        lda train [--topics=K] [--iterations=I] [--e_step_iterations=EI]
                  [--e_step_tolerance=ET] [--random_state=RS]
                  [--compute_likelihood=CL] [--initialize_seeded | --initialize_random]
                  [-q | --quiet] [--snapshot_every=N] [--workers=W]
                  [--continue=M] DATA MODEL
        lda transform [-q | --quiet] [--e_step_iterations=EI]
                      [--e_step_tolerance=ET] [--workers=W]
                      MODEL DATA OUTPUT
        lda (-h | --help)

    General Options:
        -h, --help              Show this help
        -q, --quiet             Produce no output to the terminal
        --topics=K              How many topics to train [default: 100]
        --iterations=I          Run LDA for I iterations [default: 20]
        --random_state=RS       The initial seed value for any random numbers
                                needed [default: 0]
        --initialize_seeded     Initialize the topic over words distributions by
                                seeding them from the passed documents. The
                                default initialization option is initialize_seeded
        --initialize_random     Initialize the topic over words distributions as
                                random distributions. The default
                                initialization option is initialize_seeded
        --snapshot_every=N      Snapshot the model every N iterations [default: -1]
        --workers=N             The number of concurrent workers [default: 1]
        --continue=M            A model to continue training from

    E Step Options:
        --e_step_iterations=EI  The maximum number of iterations to perform
                                in the E step [default: 30]
        --e_step_tolerance=ET   The minimum accepted relative increase in log
                                likelihood during the E step [default: 1e-3]
        --compute_likelihood=CL The percentage of documents to compute the
                                likelihood for (1.0 means compute for every
                                document) [default: 0.0]

The user can specify the values of the following arguments:

slda application

slda is the command-line program that implements the supervised LDA (sLDA). For more information about the sLDA, see papers "Simultaneous Image Classification and Annotation", by Wang et al. and "Supervised topic models", by Blei et al. This program allows the training of a supervised LDA model and the application of that model to a set of data in order to transform them.

The extensive help menu of slda is presented below.

$ slda --help
Console application for supervised LDA.

        slda train [--topics=K] [--iterations=I] [--e_step_iterations=EI]
                   [--e_step_tolerance=ET] [--fixed_point_iterations=FI]
                   [--random_state=RS] [--compute_likelihood=CL]
                   [--initialize_seeded | --initialize_random]
                   [--m_step_iterations=MI] [--m_step_tolerance=MT]
                   [-q | --quiet] [--snapshot_every=N] [--workers=W]
                   [--continue=M] [--continue_from_unsupervised=M] DATA MODEL
        slda transform [-q | --quiet] [--e_step_iterations=EI]
                       [--e_step_tolerance=ET] [--workers=W]
                       MODEL DATA OUTPUT
        slda (-h | --help)

    General Options:
        -h, --help                        Show this help
        -q, --quiet                       Produce no output to the terminal
        --topics=K                        How many topics to train [default: 100]
        --iterations=I                    Run LDA for I iterations [default: 20]
        --random_state=RS                 The initial seed value for any random numbers
                                          needed [default: 0]
        --initialize_seeded               Initialize the topic over words distributions by
                                          seeding them from the passed documents. The
                                          default initialization option is initialize_seeded
        --initialize_random               Initialize the topic over words distributions as
                                          random distributions. The default
                                          initialization option is initialize_seeded
        --snapshot_every=N                Snapshot the model every N iterations [default: -1]
        --workers=N                       The number of concurrent workers [default: 1]
        --continue=M                      A model to continue training from
        --continue_from_unsupervised=M    An unsupervised model to continue training from

    E Step Options:
        --e_step_iterations=EI            The maximum number of iterations to perform
                                          in the E step [default: 10]
        --e_step_tolerance=ET             The minimum accepted relative increase in log
                                          likelihood during the E step [default: 1e-4]
        --fixed_point_iterations=FI       The number of fixed point iterations to compute
                                          phi [default: 20]
        --compute_likelihood=CL           The percentage of documents to compute the
                                          likelihood for (1.0 means compute for every
                                          document) [default: 0.0]

    M Step Options:
        --m_step_iterations=MI            The maximum number of iterations to perform
                                          in the M step [default: 200]
        --m_step_tolerance=MT             The minimum accepted relative increase in log
                                          likelihood during the M step [default: 1e-4]
        -L L, --regularization_penalty=L  The regularization penalty for the Multinomial
                                          Logistic Regression [default: 0.05]

In case of slda the user can continue the training of an unsupervised model in a supervised manner, by using the continue_from_unsupervised argument to define the path to the model to continue from.

The rest of the arguments, namely e_step_iterations, e_step_tolerance and compute_likelihood are already explained in lda.

fslda application

fslda is the command-line program that implements the fast supervised LDA (fsLDA). For more information, please check our publication with title "Fast Supervised LDA for Discovering Micro-Events in Large-Scale Video Datasets".

The extensive help menu of fslda is presented below.

$ fslda --help
Console application for fast supervised LDA (fsLDA).

        fslda train [--topics=K] [--iterations=I] [--e_step_iterations=EI]
                    [--e_step_tolerance=ET] [--random_state=RS]
                    [--compute_likelihood=CL] [--initialize_seeded | --initialize_random]
                    [--supervised_weight=C] [--m_step_iterations=MI]
                    [--m_step_tolerance=MT] [--regularization_penalty=L]
                    [-q | --quiet] [--snapshot_every=N] [--workers=W]
                    [--continue=M] [--continue_from_unsupervised=M] DATA MODEL
        fslda online_train [--topics=K] [--iterations=I] [--e_step_iterations=EI]
                           [--e_step_tolerance=ET] [--random_state=RS]
                           [--compute_likelihood=CL] [--initialize_seeded | --initialize_random]
                           [--supervised_weight=C] [--regularization_penalty=L] [--batch_size=BS]
                           [--momentum=MM] [--learning_rate=LR] [--beta_weight=BW]
                           [-q | --quiet] [--snapshot_every=N] [--workers=W]
                           [--continue=M] [--continue_from_unsupervised=M] DATA MODEL
        fslda transform [-q | --quiet] [--e_step_iterations=EI]
                        [--e_step_tolerance=ET] [--workers=W]
                        MODEL DATA OUTPUT
        fslda (-h | --help)

    General Options:
        -h, --help                        Show this help
        -q, --quiet                       Produce no output to the terminal
        --topics=K                        How many topics to train [default: 100]
        --iterations=I                    Run LDA for I iterations [default: 20]
        --random_state=RS                 The initial seed value for any random numbers
                                          needed [default: 0]
        --initialize_seeded               Initialize the topic over words distributions by
                                          seeding them from the passed documents. The
                                          default initialization option is initialize_seeded
        --initialize_random               Initialize the topic over words distributions as
                                          random distributions. The default
                                          initialization option is initialize_seeded
        --snapshot_every=N                Snapshot the model every N iterations [default: -1]
        --workers=N                       The number of concurrent workers [default: 1]
        --continue=M                      A model to continue training from
        --continue_from_unsupervised=M    An unsupervised model to continue training from

    E Step Options:
        --e_step_iterations=EI            The maximum number of iterations to perform
                                          in the E step [default: 10]
        --e_step_tolerance=ET             The minimum accepted relative increase in log
                                          likelihood during the E step [default: 1e-4]
        -C C, --supervised_weight=C       The weight of the supervised term for the
                                          E step [default: 1]
        --compute_likelihood=CL           The percentage of documents to compute the
                                          likelihood printed (1.0 means compute for every
                                          document) [default: 0.0]
    M Step Options:
        -L L, --regularization_penalty=L  The regularization penalty for the Multinomial
                                          Logistic Regression in M step [default: 0.05]

    Batch M Step Options:
        --m_step_iterations=MI            The maximum number of iterations to perform
                                          in the M step [default: 200]
        --m_step_tolerance=MT             The minimum accepted relative increase in log
                                          likelihood during the M step [default: 1e-4]

    Online M Step Options:
        --batch_size=BS                   The mini-batch size for the online learning [default: 128]
        --momentum=MM                     Set the momentum for changing eta [default: 0.9]
        --learning_rate=LR                Set the learning rate for changing eta [default: 0.01]
        --beta_weight=BW                  Set the weight of the previous beta parameters
                                          w.r.t to the new from the minibatch [default: 0.9]

In the case of fsLDA we added an additional command, named online_train. This command chooses an online learning method, namely instead of using all training data in each Expectation-Maximization update, we use a mini-batch of the training data to update the parameters incrementally, using Stochastic Variational Bayes for $\beta$ and Stochastic Gradient Descent for $\eta$.

The rest of the arguments, namely e_step_iterations, e_step_tolerance, compute_likelihood, regularization_penalty, m_step_iterations and m_step_tolerance are already explained in lda and slda.

Bash completion

In the installation page you can also see how you could install a provided bash completion script to autocomplete the options and commands for faster and easier usage of the console applications.